Ultra Phantom
Ultra Phantom Clownfish
Scientific Name:
Amphiprion ocellaris
Maximum Size:
3” (7.5 cm)
The Ultra Phantom Clownfish is jet black with jagged white snowflake markings. No two fish are alike. Sea & Reef created the Ultra Phantom Clownfish through selective breeding of several of our ocellaris designer clownfish variations including Ultra Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish, Black Ice Clownfish and super black Darwin Ocellaris Clownfish. The goal was to make a jet black clownfish with the desirable white snowflake markings. We carefully selected only the best fish for broodstock and kept close tabs on the genetics to avoid any inbreeding. After many generations and combinations the Phantom Clownfish was born. We gave it the name Phantom Clownfish because the look of this fish evades reality and dwells somewhere on the edge of fantasy and imagination. The black coloration develops identical to Darwin Ocellaris Clownfish. Early juvenile fish are dark brown, but turns jet black when they reach a size of 1 ¼ -1 ½ inches.
There are 3 different grades of Sea & Reef Phantom Clownfish according to their markings and amount of white patterns. Phantom Clownfish are graded as follows:
Ultra Phantom Clownfish have 3 fused stripes on at least one side of the body. This grade has the most white markings.
Premium Phantom Clownfish have two fused stripes on each side of the body.
Phantom Clownfish have three distinct stripes with snowflake jagged edges. Sometimes two stripes are fused in on one side only.
A Collection of Sea & Reef Ultra Phantom Clownfish.
Temperament & Captive Care
The temperament and captive care requirements for the Ultra Phantom Clownfish is very similar to that of the regular Ocellaris clownfish. It is relatively peaceful and hardy. They thrive in saltwater aquariums with or without an anemone present.
Most clownfish are omnivorous feeders, meaning that they will consume a variety of different food types. In nature the diet of clownfish consists of crustaceans (such as copepods and amphipods), algae, polychaete worms, and leftovers from the anemone’s meal. Our captive bred fish are conditioned to eat a variety of aquarium diets including pellets, flake food, frozen Mysis shrimp, and frozen brine shrimp.
Aquarium Host Anemones
Ultra Clownfish will readily accept a wide variety of host anemones and many hobbyists keep them with the popular and hardy Bubble Tip Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor). As a reference the natural host anemones of the regular ocellaris clownfish are Magnificent Sea Anemone (Heteractis magnifica), Giant Carpet Sea Anemone (Stichodactyla gigantean) and Merten's Carpet Sea Anemone (Stichodactyla mertensii).